ネコに噛まれて、ネコアレルギーを発症するかもしれない? ■ 動物などに噛まれてアナフィラキシーを起こすという症例報告はさまざまあり、ネコ、ネズミ、ウマ、ハムスターなどが報告されています( Maeda Y, Akiyama K. Anaphylaxis after a cat bite. Allergol Int 201...
Chew GL, et al. Monthly measurements of indoor allergens and the influence of housing type in a northeastern US city. Allergy 1999; 54:1058-66. 環境抗原の季節変動・家屋による違...
Ierodiakonou D, et al. Timing of Allergenic Food Introduction to the Infant Diet and Risk of Allergic or Autoimmune Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analys...
Asarnoj A, et al. Sensitization to cat and dog allergen molecules in childhood and prediction of symptoms of cat and dog allergy in adolescence: A BAMSE/MeDALL ...
Renand A, et al. Chronic cat allergen exposure induces a TH2 cell-dependent IgG4 response related to low sensitization. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015; 136:1627-35...
Min JY, et al., Association of trihalomethanes in tap water with house dust mite allergen sensitization in US adolescents. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016.(in press...
Hesselmar B, et al., Allergy in children in hand versus machine dishwashing. Pediatrics 2015; 135:e590-7. 衛生仮説の報告。 ■ 衛生仮説とは、1989年にストラカンが始めて報告した仮説で、簡単に言うと感染を繰り返し...