Seymour SM, et al. Inhaled Corticosteroids and LABAs - Removal of the FDA's Boxed Warning. The New England journal of medicine 2018; 378(26): 2461-3. LABAのリスクを調...
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Graif Y, et al. Association between Asthma and Migraine‐A Cross‐Sectional Study of over 110,000 Adolescents. The clinical respiratory journal 2018. 片頭痛と喘息は関連がある...
Gray N, et al. Association Between Inhaled Corticosteroid Use and Bone Fracture in Children With Asthma. JAMA pediatrics 2017. 吸入ステロイド薬は、骨折を増やすのか? ■ 以前、少数の症例対照...
Zieck SE, et al. Asthma, bones and corticosteroids: Are inhaled corticosteroids associated with fractures in children with asthma? J Paediatr Child Health 2017....
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Vocal Symptoms and Voice Quality in Children With Allergy and Asthma, Journal of Voice 2017 (in press) 喘息は声の性質も変える? ■ 咳が続くと、声が枯れたりすることは日常生活でも経験されます。 PECO P: ア...
Peters SP, et al. Serious Asthma Events with Budesonide plus Formoterol vs. Budesonide Alone. N Engl J Med 2016; 375:850-60. LABAの安全性を確認した試験が続けざまに発表されています。 ■ 長時...
Stempel DA, et al. Safety of Adding Salmeterol to Fluticasone Propionate in Children with Asthma. New England Journal of Medicine 2016; 375:840-9. LABAの安全性に関する臨...
Stempel DA, et al. Serious Asthma Events with Fluticasone plus Salmeterol versus Fluticasone Alone. N Engl J Med 2016 (in press). 吸入ステロイド薬+LABAの安全性。 PECO P: 2...